«I’m Not A Stone» is the first single from the third album by Barcelona singer Leila Sound. It is the first of the 10 tracks that are part of her third album «NOSTALGICOHOLIC» which will be released soon. This song vindicates the emotional honesty with others but especially with oneself. It also vindicates the weakness as something inherent in human beings. Watch & share it!
Leila Sound will soon release her third album «NOSTALGICOHOLIC». From the hand of the producer Enric Peinado (Big Menú, Nathy Peluso…) Leila evolves towards a more current sound without neglecting her influences. It is the artist’s most eclectic album since all her ways of feeling are mixed, being able to hear electronic sounds in some songs, a more traditional soul in others, a thug bebop, rock moments and her facet as a singer-songwriter where the lyrics are absolute protagonists.
The Jardins de Pedralbes Festival reaches its sixth edition and Leila is one of the invited artists for 2 major concerts. The first, June 24, heating up engines for the great Tom Jones concert. The second, July 1, celebrating the day of family music. Do not miss it! All the info here and here!
Lots of music! Leila is already working on the highly anticipated third album… Stay tuned here!
Video premiere of the single «Mai», the first single in Catalan by Leila. Let’s make it a hit on social networks, share it!
The music video for «If You Need Freedom», the second single from the album «Black Roses», it’s here! Watch & share it!
The program ‘Espècies Protegides’ by Cadena SER interviews Leila. Listen to the Podcast here and watch the video of the performance.
We have been presenting the album «Black Roses» in the program ‘La Tribu de Catalunya Radio’. Listen to the Podcast
‘Histéricas Grabaciones’ interviews Leila. Read it here
‘Le Cool Barcelona’ interviews Leila. Read here
‘La Música Amanseix Les Feres’ reviews the new album «Black Roses» from Leila. Read here
Our step by ‘Grup Enderrock’ last week with interview and live! You can watch the video here!
Video premiere of the single «Black Roses». Let’s make it a hit on social networks, share it!
‘Surtdecasa.cat’ interviews Leila. Read it here
Nando Caballero, from ‘La Xarxa’, interviews Leila. Listen here, at minut 36!
This friday, June 26, in the Barts Club will take place the «Black Roses» official release party. We hope to see you all there to celebrate and enjoy a special evening full of soul, funk and good energy, with special guests and surprises! Join the event on Facebook and spread the word!
Leila has been in “El Matí de Catalunya Ràdio” to talk about the new album «Black Roses». After the interview with Mònica Terribas, Leila has presented live one of the new songs, «Lady Delicious». You can watch the video here!
On June 16, 2015 Leila’s second work «Black Roses» was released worldwide. You can listen it here or get your copy at iTunes, Spotify or Amazon.
The CD’s have just arrived! And it’s very close for you to hear it and have it… ;)
So was the concert of the tracks preview of the upcoming album, in the Jamboree Jazz Club! A good warm up for the official presentation of the album in June! For those who missed the concert, look at the photos on Facebook, here and here!
The Blackcelona Explosion! returns, the spring festival of black music par excellence of Barcelona and Leila marks presence again with the highly anticipated concert at the Jamboree Jazz Club, on May 14, in which will premiere the themes of her anticipated new album «Black Roses». Enderrock.cat and the Ara Journal of Catalunya echoes the news.
Here you can see the Extended Experience of the Garden Musicsessions recorded a few months ago. With themes from the upcoming album: «Love», «Mai» and «Lady Delicious» and an interview with Leila.
The music video for «Black Roses», single from the new album, is on its way and looks soooo good!!! Stay tuned here!
Leila is part of «Femení Singular: Soul Sisters Blackcelona & The Slingshots» at the Music Hall of Barcelona: a tour of the black music of the 60s, 70s and 80s, by the hand of Blackcelona and Curtcircuit, in celebration of the International Day of the Working Women!
The second album is being cooked… Here you can see photos of the recording sessions!
A lot of work, lots of music! Leila is with the production of the highly anticipated second album… 2015 will be a great year! Stay tuned here!
Having been at #1 with «Mr.O», now it’s up to «A Little Bit Bitter» that leads from the beginning of December the first position of SoulSpain’s TOP10!
Leila played an acoustic version in duo format of «Talk About» at ‘Som Aquí de Nit’ program of Canal Terrassa. The video here
Leila recorded an acoustic session in ‘Els Acústics’ from Estudi 3 of Ràdio Arenys. Watch the videos here for «Much More Than Music» and «A Little Bit Bitter».
Leila was in La Marató de Boca Ràdio 90.1FM playing in duet format the single «Much More Than Music» and a preview of their second album, «Lady Delicious». The video here
Leila was at ‘Divendres’ program from TV3 presenting the album «Influences» with the single «Mr.O». The video here
‘Ràdio Santa Perpètua’ interviews Leila. Listen here
Leila, the emerging voice of Barcelona’s soul, presents «Lady Delicious» in acoustic session in duo format at ‘Acustik’ program from La Vanguardia Digital. This single will be included in the second album, already in production and will be released in 2015. The video here
Leila appears in the november issue of the digital magazine LaCarne Magazine! The interview here
‘La Sala 101’ reviews and interviews Leila. Read here
A review from ‘LaFonoteca’. Read it here
A review from ‘Colectivo de Raro Propósito’. The article here
‘Ocho Pistas’ just published a review on Leila. Read it here
‘Sixtars’ interviews Leila. Read it here
Bossuchannel heard «Influences» and wrote that the album contains «songs that surpass anyone’s forecast been made, Influences is an ongoing journey toward the unknown that makes everything a mystery surrounded with a elegant fragrance». Read it here
To celebrate the ‘Night of Black Music’ on the set of El Punt Avui with Enderrock.cat, Leila presented the album «Influences» with the acoustic version of «This Part Of Me». Watch it here and we expect your comments on Facebook!
Leila remains strong in the key positions of SoulSpain’s TOP10. Having been at #1 with «Mr.O», now it’s up to «A Little Bit Bitter» which has reached #2 on the list!
We inform you that «Influences» is now available at Fnac and El Corte Inglés stores!
Is being cooked the second volume of the compilation disc of Blackcelona, to be published next March under the seal Discmedi. This edition of the album features many bands that are renewing the soul & funk scene of Barcelona and Leila will be included. We will keep you informed!
The Friday Sessions concert at the Casino de Barcelona, organized by Blackcelona, was a success. Here you can view the photos, by Anna Martorell. Thanks to everyone who came!
Firstly, Leila and his Team wish you a big 2014 full of music and positivity! And to start big the 2014 we have new concert dates! Check them here or follow all the news on Facebook! See you there!
You can also buy the physical disc at Riff-Raff Discos c/ Enric Prat de la Riba nº243 Hospitalet de Llobregat. Enjoy it!
Enderrock.cat just published «a guide to all the colors of black music from Barcelona». And Leila is mentioned ;) Read it here!
Toni Pola, from Brújula Emocional FM, interviews Leila at his program ‘Voces Con Alma’. According to Leila «this interview is a journey through my album that allows you to understand it a little better». Listen to it here!
Leila will be in the new edition of Blackcelona Explosion! 3rd Exhibition of Black Music of BCN, organized by Blackcelona and wants to show the vitality, quality and effervescence of the artists who move within the soul & funk in Barcelona. So on November 23, 2013 in Espai Jove Boca Nord at 10PM, Leila will be taking the stage again! Are you going to miss it?
It’s official! After eight months of vocal rest, mark your agenda for Leila’s comeback to stages on September 15th at Sala Monasterio, in Barcelona, at 09:30PM. Join the event on Facebook, spread the word and don’t miss this night of soul and full of good energy!
The rest that Leila is being taken, due to vocal cord injury and that still keeps her away from the stages for a few months, is bearing fruits! Among lyrics and new compositions, has emerged the one that will be the ‘girlfriend’ of «Mr.O» and on Facebook we propose you to give name to this «Miss», the protagonist of the new song! We’re waiting for your suggestions!
«Mr.O» still fights for the major positions of the SoulSpain’s TOP10. Having been at #1 in March, Leila’s first single rises up again to #2 on the list! It seems that «Mr.O» wants to get back to the first place ;)
In the blog ‘La Cámara Me Adora’, Carla Siibil de Saavedra talks with Leila in a very personal interview… Read it here
Esteban Novillo interviews Leila at the UMOmag magazine. Read it here
So was the «Influences» release party in the Sala Monasterio! A night of funk, soul and, besides the songs from the album, two versions, one from Prince and another of Jill Scott. In the words of Leila «a night of music and a lot of honest and good energy». Those you missed the concert, look for pictures on Facebook!
And the big day of the «Influences» release party is today! So, this week, there were over talking echoes in the network about the disc, the concert and Leila. We want to thank all the amazing articles and all who have spread the word about this project which will be presented today at Sala Monasterio at 10PM. See you there!
‘Cloud Jazz’ has just published a review of «Influences». Don’t miss the full article here. ‘Cloud Jazz’ is a program from a jazz station located in Los Angeles, which discloses the best news in the world of Smooth Jazz.
The video for «Mr.O» has exceeded 3600 views on YouTube! This achievement is yours, so thank you very much! and… keep sharing it!
Blackcelona echoes the «Influences» release party and helps us to remind you that on January 18, 2013 you have an appointment with Leila… More information here.
We have a date for the «Influences» release party! It will be on January 18, 2013 at Sala Monasterio, in Barcelona. Eight musicians on stage and Leila to offer a night of soul, funky and much more! Are you going to miss it? Join the Facebook event, mark it on your agenda and spread the word!
We just released the new site! Hope you like it and we would like to know what you think about the new design (you can do it here)
From October 11, 2012 you can buy the physical disc at Discos Castelló c/Tallers nº7 Barcelona. Enjoy it!
On September 24, 2012 Leila’s first work «Influences» was released worldwide. An album born from the need to express years of dedication to music through songs where confluence the sung and lived. You can listen it here or get your copy at iTunes, Amazon or Spotify. Along with the album was also premiered the video of the first single «Mr.O» which is being a hit in the social network!
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Legal Warning / designed by joel de almeida