Pride, pride, you’ll never get nowhere with
You’ve never walked my streets
You’ve never said my words
You’ve never known my thoughts
You’ve never sung with heart
Pride, pride, you’ll never get nowhere with
You’re really full of pride
And there’s no space, just ice
And there’s no place for us
You’ve never sung with heart
Pride, pride, you’ll never get nowhere with
Some of the preachers
And some of the teachers
Are cooking the pictures
The pictures that are fake
And can hide their pride
You’ve never sung with heart
Pride, pride, you’ll never get nowhere with
For the last days, I have been thinking
Thinking about which way to go
What I have learned is that love
Expires when you’re mean
Cuz I deserve a real man
I just need someone to love, to share
I just hope to live a life
That’s full of feeling and happiness
But never, I could never pray
And I could never, never, never, never pray
Pride, pride, you’ll never get nowhere with
copyright © 2024 Leila Sound / todos los derechos reservados
Aviso Legal / diseñado por joel de almeida